From the New Life Live! archives, this show originally aired on March 2, 2010 Topics: Divorce, Remarriage, Sexual Abuse, Boundaries, Dating, Single Parenting, Father Issues Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Henry Cloud Caller Questions: After failed marriages for both of us, how do I prepare to marry a woman with sexual abuse baggage?  Should I pursue college even though my husband of 5yrs wants me

The post New Life Live: February 26, 2021 appeared first on New Life.

From the New Life Live! archives, this show originally aired on March 2, 2010

Topics: DivorceRemarriageSexual AbuseBoundariesDatingSingle ParentingFather Issues
Hosts: Steve ArterburnDr. Henry Cloud

Caller Questions:

After failed marriages for both of us, how do I prepare to marry a woman with sexual abuse baggage? Should I pursue college even though my husband of 5yrs wants me to stay home with the kids? How do I attract a healthy man who will stick around? I have three kids and have never married. 

Suggested Resources:
Boundaries in Marriage
How We Love
Healing Is a Choice

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The post New Life Live: February 26, 2021 appeared first on New Life.

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