Topics: Parenting, Sexual Integrity, Brain Issues, Boundaries, Dating, Christian Walk Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Jill Hubbard, Milan Yerkovich Caller Questions: What is the best way to develop empathy in my 14yo son? He is pressuring a 12yo girl to have sex.  I lost my job after a heart attack caused a brain injury 3yrs ago; what can I do to connect with my 17yo

The post New Life Live: February 18, 2022 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: ParentingSexual IntegrityBrain IssuesBoundariesDatingChristian Walk

Hosts: Steve ArterburnDr. Jill HubbardMilan Yerkovich

Caller Questions:

What is the best way to develop empathy in my 14yo son? He is pressuring a 12yo girl to have sex. 
I lost my job after a heart attack caused a brain injury 3yrs ago; what can I do to connect with my 17yo daughter before she leaves home? 
The guy I used to date is my gym coach and is harassing me in public; should I pursue legal action? 
Is self-righteousness ingrained in us as Christians? In church we focus on the sins of others, but not in AA. 

Suggested Resources:

How We Love Our Kids

Forgiving our Fathers and Mothers

Emotionally Destructive Relationship

Take Your Life Back

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The post New Life Live: February 18, 2022 appeared first on New Life.

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