Topics: Confrontation, Depression, Addiction, Marijuana, Boundaries, Sexual Integrity, Teens Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Milan Yerkovich, Becky Brown Caller Questions: How can I communicate to my husband when something is important to me?  The Bible talks a lot about money; why don't you talk to churches about fundraising?  How do I motivate my 21yo depressed and addicted daughter to work, go to school, or move out? 

The post New Life Live: December 30, 2019 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: ConfrontationDepressionAddictionMarijuanaBoundariesSexual IntegrityTeens

Hosts: Steve ArterburnMilan Yerkovich, Becky Brown

Caller Questions:

How can I communicate to my husband when something is important to me? 
The Bible talks a lot about money; why don’t you talk to churches about fundraising? 
How do I motivate my 21yo depressed and addicted daughter to work, go to school, or move out? 
I set boundaries for my 16yo daughter’s boyfriend after they had sex; now what? 

Suggested Resources:

Take Your Life Back

How We Love

Restoration Bible

Healing Is a Choice

Every Young Man’s Battle

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The post New Life Live: December 30, 2019 appeared first on New Life.

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