Topics: Boundaries, Christian Walk, Alcohol, Intimacy, Shame, Divorce Hosts: Dr. Jill Hubbard, Becky Brown, Special Guest Dr. Ron Archer Caller Questions: As Christians, do we set up boundaries to keep from getting hurt or always give to others?  My adult daughter is having a hard time with alcohol and self-harm; how can I help?  Do I need to seek counseling for me

The post New Life Live: August 4, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: BoundariesChristian WalkAlcoholIntimacyShameDivorce
Hosts: Dr. Jill Hubbard, Becky Brown, Special Guest Dr. Ron Archer

Caller Questions:

As Christians, do we set up boundaries to keep from getting hurt or always give to others? My adult daughter is having a hard time with alcohol and self-harm; how can I help? Do I need to seek counseling for me since my husband is not intimate? How do I get rid of the shame from the way I was treated by my military parents? Is it right to divorce my husband who doesn’t include me in major decisions? 

Suggested Resources:
Healing Is a Choice
Mediterranean Love Plan
What Belief Can Do
Forgiving Our Fathers and Mothers

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The post New Life Live: August 4, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

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