Topics: Sleep Disorders, Brain Issues, Depression, PTSD, Memory Issues, Aging Parents, ADD Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Sheri Keffer, Special Guest Psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Amen Caller Questions: How can I help my daughter deal with sleep paralysis?  Does jumping on a mini trampoline cause brain damage?  My 26yo son has dealt with depression for 8yrs and is now resistant to drugs.  How much does my

The post New Life Live: August 27, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: Sleep DisordersBrain IssuesDepressionPTSDMemory IssuesAging ParentsADD
Hosts: Steve ArterburnDr. Sheri Keffer, Special Guest Psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Amen

Caller Questions:

How can I help my daughter deal with sleep paralysis? Does jumping on a mini trampoline cause brain damage? My 26yo son has dealt with depression for 8yrs and is now resistant to drugs. How much does my PTSD, low estrogen, and losing weight from meds play a role in my health? I have read about hyperbaric oxygen treatment; how do I go about getting this? How do I deal with my 80yo mother who drinks and has severe memory loss while on several meds? Do you do anything with stem cells to regenerate the damaged areas in the brain? My husband can’t take ADHD meds because of his high blood pressure; what do you suggest? 

Suggested Resources:
Conquer Worry and Anxiety
Memory Rescue
End of Mental Illness

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The post New Life Live: August 27, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

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