Topics: Weight Loss, Anxiety, Christian Walk, Trauma, Forgiveness Hosts: Milan Yerkovich, Dr. Alice Benton, Becky Brown Caller Questions: How can I support my daughter having gastric bypass surgery when I don't approve?  Is there help for my severe anxiety and panic attacks?  My diabetic wife has panic attacks and won't take meds after a church said she was healed.  How do

The post New Life Live: August 20, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: Weight LossAnxietyChristian WalkTraumaForgiveness
Hosts: Milan Yerkovich, Dr. Alice Benton, Becky Brown

Caller Questions:

How can I support my daughter having gastric bypass surgery when I don’t approve? Is there help for my severe anxiety and panic attacks? My diabetic wife has panic attacks and won’t take meds after a church said she was healed. How do I forgive my best friend for her harsh words that cut me like a knife? 

Suggested Resources:
Lose It For Life
Take Your Life Back
Forgiving What You’ll Never Forget

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The post New Life Live: August 20, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

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