Topics: Memory Issues, Brain Issues, OCD, Depression, Anxiety, Marijuana, ADD Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Sheri Keffer, Special Guest Psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Amen Caller Questions: Can I get help for my loss of memory and slurred speech after several concussions?  Our 23yo son with severe OCD won't get out of his chair; what should we do?  Is there anything else I can do for my

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Topics: Memory IssuesBrain IssuesOCDDepressionAnxietyMarijuanaADD
Hosts: Steve ArterburnDr. Sheri Keffer, Special Guest Psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Amen

Caller Questions:

Can I get help for my loss of memory and slurred speech after several concussions? Our 23yo son with severe OCD won’t get out of his chair; what should we do? Is there anything else I can do for my severe depression and anger? At 55yo, what can I do for my anxiety now that I have quit smoking marijuana? What can I do for my 17yo with ADHD and short-term memory loss, and my 15yo with insomnia? 

Suggested Resources:
End of Mental Illness
Take Your Life Back
Conquer Worry and Anxiety

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The post New Life Live: August 11, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

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