Topics: ADD, OCD, Brain Issues, Depression, Pornography, Stroke, Anxiety Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Sheri Keffer, and Special Guest Psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Amen, author of The End of Mental Illness Caller Questions: With ADHD and OCD, is Zoloft good for me to take?  Would a brain scan help my 35yo nephew who has been paranoid schizophrenic for 15yrs?  I have been depressed for 3yrs from

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Topics: ADDOCDBrain IssuesDepressionPornographyStrokeAnxiety

Hosts: Steve ArterburnDr. Sheri Keffer, and Special Guest Psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Amen, author of The End of Mental Illness

Caller Questions:

With ADHD and OCD, is Zoloft good for me to take? 
Would a brain scan help my 35yo nephew who has been paranoid schizophrenic for 15yrs? 
I have been depressed for 3yrs from my wife leaving and addiction; when does it go away? 
What can I do to heal after my stroke 4wks ago that left my left side numb? 
Do you recommend supplements for my 50yo son with ADHD, OCD and anxiety? 

Suggested Resources:

The End of Mental Illness

Every Man’s Bible

Understanding and Loving a Person with Depression

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The post New Life Live: April 2, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

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