Topics: Alcohol, Anxiety, Grief, Childhood Trauma, Adult Children, Same-Sex Attraction, Marijuana, Pornography, Teens, Parenting Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Jill Hubbard Caller Questions: My husband struggles with drinking and lost his mom recently; what will help him?  Will I ever heal one hundred percent from my abusive childhood?  What does it mean that my son-in-law was watching gay porn and lying to his parents?  What boundaries can my

The post New Life Live: October 20, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: AlcoholAnxietyGriefChildhood TraumaAdult ChildrenSame-Sex AttractionMarijuanaPornographyTeensParenting
Hosts: Steve ArterburnDr. Jill Hubbard

Caller Questions:

My husband struggles with drinking and lost his mom recently; what will help him? Will I ever heal one hundred percent from my abusive childhood? What does it mean that my son-in-law was watching gay porn and lying to his parents? What boundaries can my parents set for my 17yo brother who is smoking pot? Our 12yo foster son was looking at porn so we took away his phone; what is our next step? Comment: My husband also struggled with sex addiction and lying, but then he got help. My wife and I are getting divorced and don’t agree on how to raise our kids; what can I do? 

Suggested Resources:
Forgiving Our Fathers and Mothers
Understanding and Loving a Person with Alcohol or Drug Addiction
Life Recovery Workbook for Divorce

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The post New Life Live: October 20, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

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