Topics: Shame, Pornography, Separation, Christian Walk, Intimacy Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Milan Yerkovich, Chris Williams Caller Questions: How do I heal from shame when both of my parents were emotionally unhealthy?  My husband is a sex addict and lies; what else can I do after separating?  What does God think about plastic surgery? I am considering breast augmentation.  My husband is disconnected and

The post New Life Live: October 19, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: ShamePornographySeparationChristian WalkIntimacy
Hosts: Steve ArterburnMilan Yerkovich, Chris Williams

Caller Questions:

How do I heal from shame when both of my parents were emotionally unhealthy? My husband is a sex addict and lies; what else can I do after separating? What does God think about plastic surgery? I am considering breast augmentation. My husband is disconnected and hasn’t wanted any physical intimacy for 15yrs. 

Suggested Resources:
Emotional Freedom Workbook
Every Man’s Battle
Worthy of Her Trust
How We Love

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The post New Life Live: October 19, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

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