Topics: Sexual Integrity, Affairs, Sexual Abuse, Boundaries Hosts: Dr. Dave Stoop, Dr. Jill Hubbard, Becky Brown Caller Questions: How can I stay pure and respect the boundaries in my marriage?  After being sexually abused as a child and my mom blaming me, how does a 73yo move on?  My wife denies having an affair after giving me an STD; what is

The post New Life Live: December 17, 2019 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: Sexual IntegrityAffairsSexual AbuseBoundaries

Hosts: Dr. Dave StoopDr. Jill Hubbard, Becky Brown

Caller Questions:

How can I stay pure and respect the boundaries in my marriage? 
After being sexually abused as a child and my mom blaming me, how does a 73yo move on? 
My wife denies having an affair after giving me an STD; what is my next step? 
How do I work through insecurity and guilt because of setting boundaries with an abusive stepfather? 

Suggested Resources:

Worthy of Her Trust

Forgiving Our Fathers and Mothers

How We Love

Rethink How You Think

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The post New Life Live: December 17, 2019 appeared first on New Life.

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