Topics: Separation, Sexual Intimacy, Grief, Avoiders, Addiction, Pornography Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Milan Yerkovich, Dr. Alice Benton Caller Questions: We are separated; should I pursue my wife who doesn't respect my leadership?  We lost two sons and don't think we fully grieved the loss; what can I do to save my marriage?  My avoider husband is addicted to cocaine, texts his co-worker, and wants

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Topics: SeparationSexual IntimacyGriefAvoidersAddictionPornography

Hosts: Steve ArterburnMilan Yerkovich, Dr. Alice Benton

Caller Questions:

We are separated; should I pursue my wife who doesn’t respect my leadership? 
We lost two sons and don’t think we fully grieved the loss; what can I do to save my marriage? 
My avoider husband is addicted to cocaine, texts his co-worker, and wants to move out; do I give up? 
Our daughter is a single mom, Dad has dementia and lives with us; how do I keep my husband a priority? 
Thank you for the New Life Christmas card and all that New Life does! 
My new daughter-in-law asked for advice about our son’s pornography; how do we help and not overwhelm? 

Suggested Resources:

How We Love

Healing Is a Choice

Restoration Bible

Worthy of Her Trust

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The post New Life Live: December 16, 2019 appeared first on New Life.

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