Next Episode: Shiphrah and Puah

This Sunday, July 22, we will continue our sermon series on "Unsung Heroes of God's Word." The Bible is filled with people called by God to use their gifts to serve Him and make a profound difference for God's people, but not all of them are names we hear about all that much. Last week we looked at Bezalel and Oholiab, who were called, empowered, and equipped to lead the construction of the Tabernacle. This week's message will be "Unsung Heroes: Priscilla and Aquila," who helped Paul in his ministry, discipled new believers and welcomed churches to meet in their homes. To read about them go to: Pray for those who come alongside other leaders to help and support them. Their gifts are so important to being the church Jesus wants. Pray for people to better discern the ways the Holy Spirit makes a home in us and calls us to serve others in gift-based ministry. Pray for our guests to feel the welcome of Jesus Christ at work through our worship. Watch the Video and more here: --- Subscribe to our Sunday Morning Sermons on: - Apple Podcasts: - Stitcher Radio: - Google Play: - Website: - Donate via PayPal to support the podcasts and the Technical Arts Ministry of New Hope! - Facebook: - YouTube: - Vimeo: - Google+: