Previous Episode: Shiphrah and Puah


This Sunday, August 5, we will finish our sermon series on “Unsung Heroes of God’s Word.” The Bible is filled with people called by God to use their gifts to serve Him and make a profound difference for God’s people, but not all of them are names we hear about all that much. We’ve looked at Bezalel and Oholiab, Priscilla and Aquila, and Shiphrah and Puah. This week’s message will be “Unsung Hero: Jehoshaphat,” who faced an overwhelming crisis as a king and he immediately turned to God for help. To read about what God did through him go to:

Pray for those who are facing a difficult crisis and make the right choice to immediately turn to God. Pray for Jesus to be honored in our worship. Pray for our guests to feel the welcome of Christ at work through our welcome and hospitality.

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