Previous Episode: The Eye of the Storm
Next Episode: Storm Shelters

This Sunday, June 10, we will continue our sermon series, “The Storm Before the Calm” based on Talbot Davis’ book by the same name.

This week’s message, Storm Chasers, is based on Mark 4:35–41, in which the disciples find themselves in a boat taking on water in the midst of a terrible storm in the Sea of Galilee. Frantically bailing out water, they wake a sleeping Jesus, asking him, “Teacher, don’t you care that we are drowning?”

Jesus then calms the storm with just a few words and chastises the stunned disciples, asking them why they still don’t have faith. It leads them (and us) to ask the most important question we will ever ask - who is this Jesus? In the middle of the storm, we may be consumed with bailing out water but in the calm, we are forced to go deeper. In the calm, we are forced to face the true identity of Jesus Christ.

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