Previous Episode: Spirit and Truth
Next Episode: Make Us One!

This Sunday, September 30, we will continue our sermon series with an accompanying 21 day devotional guide and a song for each chapter in the gospel of John: The Book of John in Song. Each week a new song based on a particular chapter in John will be shared by our music ministry team. This week we'll feature "Lazarus, Come Forth!" that Jesus spoke to a dead man in need of new life. All of us were spiritually dead before we came to Christ and we can certainly feel like we are dying inside at times along the path of our journey with Christ. Jesus, the Son of God who declared Himself to be the Resurrection and the Life reaches out to us to "Come Forth" initially and time and time again. To be better prepared read [John 11]( We have seen Jesus offers everyone living water through Him; that is, the promise of the Holy Spirit to make a home in us. We have seen that God wants us to worship Him in spirit and in Truth- together and not one without the other. Pray that you will know and live out what it means to be in relationship to the One who is the Resurrection and the Life. Pray have eyes to see and ears to hear God's Word for us. Subscribe to our Sunday Morning Sermons on: - Apple Podcasts: - Stitcher Radio: - Google Play: - Website: - Donate via PayPal to support the podcasts and the Technical Arts Ministry of New Hope! - Facebook: - YouTube: - Vimeo: - Google+: