This Sunday, July 8, we will finish up our sermon series, "The Storm Before the Calm" based on Talbot Davis' book by the same name. This week's message, "After the Storm," is based on what happened right after the flood. The fact is there is more danger after success than after failure. Noah, one described as "blameless" and "righteous," did something that missed the mark of God's full intention for his life after the storm, which led to consequences for generations to come. We can't forget to lean on God when things are going well or we just might find ourselves in deeper trouble than we experienced through the storm. To be ready for the message read Genesis 9 (

Pray for those who actually cause storms for others. Pray for those who are in the path of these people who create storms in our lives and leave consequences for years to come. Pray for those who need to know not only that God is with them through the storm, but that God is with them in the calm. Pray that we will all know Jesus Christ is our shelter in the storms that come our way. A Five Week series based on the Book by Talbot Davis.

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