Daily Dose of Hope – Tuesday July 2 
Scriptures: Joshua 14-17 and Luke 17

Today's readings from Joshua 14-17 and Luke 17 bring us inspiring stories of faith, courage, and gratitude. Let's dive into these passages and discover how they can encourage and guide us in our daily lives.

In Joshua 14-17, we read about the division of the Promised Land among the tribes of Israel. These chapters highlight the faithfulness of God in fulfilling His promises and the faith and courage of His people in claiming their inheritance.

Joshua 14 introduces us to Caleb, who at 85 years old, boldly asks for the hill country promised to him because he wholeheartedly followed the Lord. Caleb's story is a powerful reminder that faith and obedience to God lead to strength and courage, regardless of age or circumstance. Are there promises of God we need to claim with the same boldness and trust? How can we step out in faith today, knowing that God is with us?

In Joshua 17, we see the daughters of Zelophehad receiving their inheritance among their father’s brothers, just as the Lord commanded through Moses. This act was significant in a patriarchal society, showcasing God's justice and the importance of standing firm in faith. Their story encourages us to trust in God’s fairness and to speak up for what is right. Is there a situation where we need to trust God's justice or stand up for what we believe is right?

The detailed division of the land among the tribes reminds us of God's meticulous care for His people. Each tribe received a specific inheritance, demonstrating that God has a unique plan and provision for each of us. We most consider how God has provided for us in specific ways. How can we be more grateful and content with the portion God has given us?

In Luke 17, Jesus teaches about faith, humility, and gratitude, using powerful examples and parables.

Jesus tells His disciples that even faith as small as a mustard seed can uproot a mulberry tree and plant it in the sea. Do we feel our faith is small? Remember, the smallest faith, placed in a great God, can do great things. How can we exercise our faith in small yet significant ways today?Jesus heals ten lepers, but only one returns to thank Him. This story emphasizes the importance of gratitude. Often, we are quick to ask for help but slow to give thanks. We should reflect on the blessings in our lives and take a moment to thank God for them. How can we cultivate a heart of gratitude today?

Jesus teaches about the coming of God's kingdom, urging His followers to be ready and watchful. This reminds us to live with an eternal perspective, staying prepared for His return. Are we living in a way that reflects readiness for God's kingdom? What changes can we make to align our lives more closely with this eternal perspective?

This is the day to…
•    Claim God’s Promises. Like Caleb, trust in God's and step out in faith to claim what He has for us. Identify a promise from God’s Word and pray for the courage to live it out.
•    Trust in God’s Justice. Stand firm in our faith and trust in God's fairness. Seek God's guidance in situations where we need to stand up for what is right.
•    Cultivate gratitude and contentment. Reflect on the unique ways God has provided and be grateful. Make a daily habit of thanking God for specific blessings.
•    Exercise our Faith. Remember that even a small amount of faith can have a powerful impact. Look for opportunities to exercise our faith in our daily lives.
•    Live with readiness for God's kingdom. Evaluate our lives and make adjustments to live in a way that reflects preparedness for Jesus' return.
I am pastor Roberto, and this is your Daily Dose of Hope.
Dios te bendiga.


The Daily Dose of Hope is a devotional intended to provide context and reflection to the New Hope Church Bible Reading Plan.  It’s our goal  to read the Bible in a year together as a family of faith.  Five days a week we read.  Two days a week we either rest or catch up.  Reading the Bible is the number one way to grow in our walk with Jesus.  We have to know God’s Word to live God’s Word.  Now for our Daily Dose of Hope… https://www.findnewhope.com