Daily Devotional

Isaiah 40:3 A voice of one calling: In the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.

Pastor Roberto Chaple

Reflection: Lent is a season of preparation that seems to be more relevant than ever this ear. The domino effect generated by the pandemic feels like a true desert as many mourn the loss of dear ones or walk on top of their chattered dreams. But perhaps we tend to put too much blame in this current crisis and forget that our materialistic lifestyle has given us false hope in a control that we actually never had.

It is in the midst of these tensions that Lent is great time to tune-in our expectations, because our responsibility before God will never go beyond preparing the way for Him and walk ourselves in it. Even though we know this biblical truth, we always tend to celebrate achievements and get frustrated when things don't happen as "we" planned. In times of pain and uncertainty, may this season be a loud and clear reminder that faithfulness is our greatest achievement.

 Prayer: Dear God, as we prepare to celebrate your amazing Love and Power, help us abandon ourselves for the sake of others as you did. Help us prepare the way for you so others can know and follow You. It is in your Holy and Mighty Name we pray, Amen. .


 Our staff and leadership employ what's called the “S.O.A.P. Method”. It stands for Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer. Each day, we read one or two chapters of Scripture and focus on one particular verse. We make some observations about how that verse touches us, discern how it applies to our lives, and offer a prayer related to what we have read. - Rev. Dr. Vicki Harrison -- Donate via PayPal to support the podcasts and the Technical Arts Ministry of New Hope! https://goo.gl/o2a9oU Subscribe at: http://www.findnewhope.com/soap (813) 689-4161 keywords: devotional, bible study