Daily Dose of Hope

June 9, 2024

Day 1 of Week 11


Scripture:  Numbers 26-29; Luke 2


Welcome back to the Daily Dose of Hope, the devotional and podcast that complements the New Hope Bible reading plan.  We are starting week 11 today.  Can you believe it?  Please keep me posted on what you are learning and how God is speaking to you.  Also, just so you know, the next four weeks will be a little different.  I will be doing days 1 and 2 of these weeks and we will have guest hosts on days 3-5.  This week, Pastor Roberto will be our guest host on days 3-5.


Let’s get right into Numbers.  Chapter 26 has the Israelites numbering themselves again.  Moses has the various tribal leaders count their people.  This is to determine how much of the land each tribe will receive.  Larger tribes receive a larger inheritance of land and smaller tribes receive a smaller inheritance.  Makes sense.


It won’t be long now.  The Israelites will soon cross over into the land of milk and honey that God promised them.  Because Moses won’t be allowed to go into the land, God has him go to the top of a mountain and look over at the promised land.  Moses’ earthly life will soon end and he knows that God needs to appoint a new leader.  That new leader is Joshua and in chapter 27, we see the changing of the guard so to speak.  Why did God choose Joshua?  First and foremost, the Spirit of God dwelt in him.  Scripture makes this clear.  But he was also one of the spies who believed that God could bring them victory.  He wasn’t afraid because he knew God was with them.  These are two pretty critical traits of a leader – Spirit-filled and trusting of God. 


Our New Testament reading is Luke 2. Like yesterday, this is going to be pretty familiar Scripture.  It’s the traditional Christmas story and the words are beautiful and joy-filled.  I could literally read them over and over again.  Take some time and meditate on the first twenty verses. 


However, I wanted to choose something a little less familiar to talk about as well.  Joseph and Mary are good, law-abiding Jews.  Thus, they visit the Temple at just the right time to give sacrifices for Mary’s purification (done about 40 days after giving birth.)  It was also at this time that they dedicate their first-born son to the Lord. The new parents offer a pair of doves or two young pigeons, which would have been the sacrifice offered for those who are poor or possibly middle-class.  This just serves to reinforce that Jesus did not come from money or influence. 


The Spirit leads an older man in the Temple, named Simeon, to greet Jesus and his parents.  The Scripture says that Simeon was righteous and devout and had been waiting for the consolation of Israel.  This consolation does not refer to the Jewish political hopes of conquering the Romans but rather the hope that will come with the Messiah, the salvation of Jesus Christ and the coming of God’s Kingdom.  Simeon’s song to God is quite beautiful. He says that now he has seen God’s salvation, he can die in peace.  Jesus will be a light to the Gentiles and the glory of the nation of Israel.  It says that his parents marveled at what was said about him.  Remember, they knew their child was special but as sleep-deprived parents of an infant, all of this was probably pretty difficult to wrap their heads around. 


Simeon’s words are prophecy.  Jesus’ message will divide the nation.  Some will believe and others will oppose him.  The journey toward promise-fulfillment will be a difficult one.  To walk with Jesus will bring pain and persecution and many will int urn reject him.  Mary’s heart will be broken or pierced as well.  It is incredibly painful for a mother to see her child rejected.  Most moms I know would gladly endure pain and suffering so their child wouldn’t have to do so.  Simeon is preparing Mary for what’s to come. 


One more phrase of interest is that “the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed.”  Jesus is essentially God’s litmus test for the hearts of people.   Do I need to follow Jesus and seek the light OR can I just attempt to do this life based on my own version of right and wrong? Jesus will reveal what is in the hearts of people.


Okay, more tomorrow.


Blessings to all of you,

Pastor Vicki