Daily Dose of Hope July 4, 2024, Day 5 of week 14

Scripture: The book of Joshua Chapter 22-24; Psalm 116: The gospel of Luke Chapter 19

Welcome back to the daily dose of hope, the devotional and podcast that complements New Hope Church’s Bible reading plan.

Let get into our scriptures today:
Chapter 22-24 of the book of Joshua continue to provide details on how Joshua and the Israelites finish their journey into Cannan. In these chapters we move from dividing the land up to preparation of serving God in the promised land. Since they have obeyed all Moses commands , not desert their kindreds to this day and kept the charge of the Lord. Serving their God was in order. To complete this mission of everyone inhabiting their own land. Joshua sent the tribes of Reuben, Gad and half of Manasseh to their land that they inherited with a blessing and instructions to obey the command that Moses gave them. When the two and half tribes return to their home  on the eastside of the Jordan. The first thing they did was build an altar. But when the rest of Israel heard about it. They became deeply concerned. The only acceptable place for Israel to worship was in Shiloh at the tabernacle, the tent of meeting. Their building an altar indicated to others that idolatry was brewing in the east among their brothers. To stamp this out the entire Israelite community assembled at Shiloh to go to war against them. To get clarity Phinehas son of Eleazar the priest was sent to speak on behalf of the entire Israelite community. Phinehas ask this question, “How could you break faith with God of Israel like this? How could you turn away from the Lord and build yourself an altar in rebellion against him now?” We already suffering from the sin of Peor. Presently, we have not been able to cleanse ourselves from that sin. Are you now turning away from the Lord?” They continue asking has the land been defiled. If so come and join us so you do not have to rebelled against the Lord. Reuben, Gad and half of Manasseh response was we had no intention of turning away from the Lord. We did it for fear that someday your descendants might say to our, “What do you have to do with the Lord, the God of Israel. They confessed that they had no intent of using their altar for worship of any kind. Instead, they established it as a replica of the true altar at Shiloh to bear witness to future generations that all the tribes on the east side of Jordan were true Israelites who worshiped the Lord like the rest of the community. The report pleased the Israelites, they blessed God and spoke no more about war against them to destroy their land. The Reubenites and Gadites called the altar Witness, for they said, “It is a witness between us that the Lord is God.”

As we move deeper into the text, years have passed as Israel had been given rest from their enemies. Joshua being an old man summoned all of Israel community to give his farewell speech. He knew his death was approaching, and he wanted to exhort the people one last time. He reminded the people that they had seen with their own eyes what God had done for them. It was the Lord your God who was fighting for you. Joshua commanded them to be strong by obeying all that was written in the book of law of Moses, turning aside from it neither left nor right. Please do not intermarry with the surrounding people. He was not against different skins colors. Only the prohibition against marry someone of another religion, because they would be influence by their spouse to worship their gods instead of worshiping the one true God. “I am now going the way of the whole earth.” This statement was to communicate that he was on his way to die. He reminded them not one promises of God failed, but for these promises to continue they were required to give God their loyalty and commitment. Joshua continue his farewell address exhorting the history of their journey into the promised land. In summary, God was telling them, “You got out of slavery to here because of me. When you sinned and were unfaithful, I came through. I never bailed on you, and my promises never failed. Yes, there were things you had to do, but I enabled you to succeed all the way. The people respond to Joshua bold declaration with this reply, “We will certainly not abandon the Lord to worship other gods! We will worship the Lord , because he is our God.”  Their response was a little weak for Joshua so he doubled down by saying, “ God is a jealous God, if you abandon the Lord and worship other gods, he will turn against you. The people insisted they got the point. On that day Joshua made a covenant with the people. After challenging Israel to follow their God Joshua died at the age of 110. How will he be remembered? As a testimony to his faithfulness, we were given insight: Israel worshiped the Lord throughout Joshua lifetime. Unfortunately, as we approach the book of Judges next week it will be reveal, that pattern would soon change.

Our next test psalm 116, the psalmist begins with expressing his love for God, because he listened to and responded to his prayer. Therefore, he could commit to call on the Lord for the rest of his life. The psalmist faces with life-threatening trouble and sorrow  appeals to God to save his life. Notice how through the psalmist corporate dimension of his worship, he point out that he is our God and he belong to all of his people. The psalmist then offer testimony of his experience with God in order to encourage the congregation. Though he had been brought low by his difficulties, the lord saved him. Therefore , he confidently say he could walk before the Lord. Though his enemies lied to him, he knew that the battle was not over, and that God would have the last word. For the  Lord goodness to him, the psalmist contemplates what he could give back to God. He mention two things, First, he would take the cup of salvation( his blessings and deliverance) that God had graciously given him and call on his name. In other words, he would continue to worship and depend on the God who saves. Why would we turn anywhere but to the one who has proven that he can deliver? Secondly, he would fulfil his vows to the Lord. Why? Obedience is the only appropriate response when God has come through for us.  The death of God’s faithful one is supremely valuable in his sight. God find great pleasure and joy in fellowship with his children who go to be with him eternally at death  because of their personal relationship with him. Knowing this, the psalmist pledges to continue praising and serving the Lord publicity, so God’s people could do the same.

Our New Testament text opens in the 19th chapter of Luke as we see that the Blind man was not the only person in Jericho to experience God’s grace that day. A wealthy tax collector name Zacchaeus heard Jesus passing by. As the crowd was passing by, he was trying to see who Jesus was, but because he was short in stature, He ran ahead and climb in a sycamore tree to see him. This way he would have the opportunity to see Jesus. It was clear that he was very successfully involved in a time-consuming business. It was taxing, to say the least. His name mean pure, but he is anything but this to his peers because his job was that of a tax collector. The Jewish society despised and hated him as his job required him to be a vassal to the Romans. Everyone knew he was trying to see Jesus , but no one cared. All he wanted to do was see Jesus, but how many of you know you cannot hide from Jesus. When Jesus reached his spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus hurry and come down for I must stay at your house today.” Can you imagine how Zacchaeus reacted to the invitation? He was thrilled and he welcome Jesus, but the crowd was shocked. “He has gone to be the guest of a sinner.” Why had he chosen this sinner instead? Because sinners were the reason he had come in the first place. 
Once Zacchaeus was near Jesus he had a change of  heart. Knowing that he was a sinner and knowing grace that Jesus was showing to him, Zacchaeus said, I’ll give half of my possessions to the poor, Lord. And if I have extorted anything from anyone, I’ll pay back four times as much. That’s what repentance look like. Repentance doesn’t merely say, “I’m sorry, it makes amends for wrongdoing. This is why Jesus said, Salvation has come to this house. Zacchaeus’ outward actions were testimony of an inward transformation. This why Jesus came to seek and save the lost.

While the crowd was admiring what Jesus was saying, he went on to tell them a parable, because he was near Jerusalem. This would be his last time to teach on the kingdom of God. The people thought the kingdom of God was going to appear right away. Jesus proceeded to tell the story of a nobleman who commanded his servants to engage in business on his behalf until he returned. Each of the servants where given a certain amount to manage. The nobleman’s subject hated him and declared that they did not want him to rule over  them. Upon the nobleman’s return, he summoned the three servants to learn how they manage his money.  Two made a return on their investment, while one did nothing, because he feared the nobleman. His lack of stewardship was fueled by a lack of relationship and failure to take seriously the knowledge of the master’s expectation and the fact that he would return. Needless to say, the servant was chastised by the master, because he could have at least put the money in the bank to collect a minimal amount of interest. What is the point here ? Unfaithful believers will experience negative consequences at the judgement seat (see 1 Cor. 3:15). Don’t missed out on the eternal rewards that God has for faithful steward who manage well what he has given them. Faithfulness results in kingdom rewards; unfaithfulness results in lack and loss reward it is not about stewardship, but Lordship that God desire. Those who rebel will have their just reward, though they may have to wait for it. Though God forbears for a season, the time for punishment will come only too soon. Those who make themselves enemies of God and will not accept Jesus as king will receive eternal judgment.

After Jesus said these things, he went to Jerusalem at the hill called Mount of Olives. There he sent two disciples to the town ahead to prepare for his triumphal entry. He gave strict instructions on how the disciples were to obtain the material he need for the coming event. Not an uncertain mission, but a specific mission. Jesus never sends people on wild goose chase. Their mission was to enter the village find a colt tied up that had never been ridden. As they untie the colt the owner approach the disciples and they replied as Jesus stated, “ the Lord need it. ” Jesus got  on the colt and rode to his destination. Three things to learn  from this passage of scripture: The riding of the colt fulfill the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9, Jesus presenting himself publicly as the Messiah. Second, the disciple learns Jesus knowledge of what would happen demonstrated his omniscience. Third, a colt that had been ridden would not accept a rider easily. Jesus rides into Jerusalem as a humble servant of God and not an emerging military king. As Jesus move through Jerusalem the crowd shouted, “Blessed is the king who come in the name of the Lord” quoting from psalm 118. The people openly acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah. The Pharisee once again wanted Jesus’ disciple to be rebuke, but Jesus if they keep quiet the stone will cry out, Jesus wept for Jerusalem. Salvation was so close yet not grasped. Jesus entered the temple to drive out the illicit practitioners of evil  there he began to teach daily in the temple, thereby providing another opportunity for those who desired to hear and receive him to do so. Unfortunately, their remain elements of person who sought to rid themselves of the presence of goodness and holiness.  The religious and civic leader could not stop Jesus from conducting his mission to establish the kingdom of God. No matter how much you strive to help the organized Church to become more of the face of the true church in the world, there will remain opposition and defiance.  Such person will never leave and yet refuse to love Jesus. True worshippers require more determination and effort on our part with the help of the Holy Spirit. Happy 4th of July! Until next week remember our goal as a congregation to read the bible in one year together as a family of faith. Five days a week we read. Two days rest or catch up. Reading the is the way we increase and walk out our faith as believers. This is Pastor Lavetta, and this is the daily Dose of Hope. 

The Daily Dose of Hope is a devotional intended to provide context and reflection to the New Hope Church Bible Reading Plan.  It’s our goal  to read the Bible in a year together as a family of faith.  Five days a week we read.  Two days a week we either rest or catch up.  Reading the Bible is the number one way to grow in our walk with Jesus.  We have to know God’s Word to live God’s Word.  Now for our Daily Dose of Hope… https://www.findnewhope.com