Hey there New Home Buyers. Jeremy Goodrich here. I am that guy that bought my first home many many years ago and had NO idea what I was getting into. I didn’t use a realtor, didn’t have an inspection, didn’t have a clue what documents I was signing and ended up, you guessed it, buying a beat up old house that I spent years fixing up only to sell it for way less than I bought it for. When it comes to home buying, I am the story of what not to do.

But that guy is not you. You’re two times smarter, three times more organized, and ten times better looking than he was. You’re going to find the right home for the right price and you’re going to have fun doing it.

That process starts right here with the New Home Buyers Guide podcast.

Learn more at https://newhomebuyersguide.net

Full Transcript:

Jeremy Goodrich:
Hey there new home buyers, Jeremy Goodrich here. I am that guy. That guy that bought my first home many, many years ago and had no idea what I was getting into. I didn't use a realtor. I didn't have an inspection. I didn't have a clue what documents I was signing. And I ended up, you guessed it, buying a beat up old house that I spent years fixing, only to sell for way less than I bought it for. When it comes to home buying, I am the story of what not to do.

But that guy, that guy is not you. You are two times smarter, you're three times more organized, and you're 10 times better looking than he was. You're going to find the right home for the right price, and you're going to have fun doing it. That process starts right here, with the New Home Buyers Guide Podcast. We're glad you joined us.

All right, new home buyer. This is a very short intro to the show to see if the show is right for you. I all ready told you about my first home buying experience. It didn't go particularly well. At the time I was 28 years old and an elementary school teacher. I didn't have a whole lot of money, of course, but I thought owning a house was what I was supposed to do, how I could show one more step into the more grown-up world that I was trying to attain towards. But here's the thing, if you looked at that purchase and analyzed it with a financial microscope, it would be very clear that in my case, I would have been better off simply renting. I didn't win, and it wasn't a smart financial decision.

Buying a house is not simply a no brainer financial step. In fact, for some of you, it may turn out that it's not the right time to buy at all. Analyzing your scenario and deciding what makes sense is actually right where we'll start. But I do believe that buying a home is one of the smartest investments you can make. And when you're ready, you should do it. In the next episode, Episode Two we'll dig into whether you're ready, and if you're not, how to get ready.

Fast forward about a decade from my first home-buying experience. I left teaching after 13 years and started an insurance agency with my wife. Yes, I moved from hanging out with eight to 10-year old kids to selling home, auto and business insurance. That change may sound like a stark difference, but I knew two things. One, I was excited to be a business owner, to be completely in control of my own destiny. And two, I really wanted to continue teaching. I didn't know exactly what that meant, but I was 100% sure that I would never be a terrible slimy salesperson. My goal was to teach people about insurance and hope that my clear and honest description would be enough to earn their trust.

That approach, interestingly created an immediate connection with first time home buyers. They started coming to me for insurance because of the way I explained things. But they had a ton of questions about other parts of the home buying process, and I simply didn't know the answers. I started to find them. I spoke with mortgage lenders and realtors and home inspectors and title companies. I was simply trying to answer questions for my insurance clients, but I began to realize that there really wasn't a good place to find all of these answers. So I decided to fix that. In 2015, I created the New Home Buyers Guide. It started as a couple of YouTube videos and people across the country and even across the world really responded. There were tons of questions and calls for more, so I created an online course digging deep into every step of the process.

This course is now the heart of the New Home Buyers Guide. But I love podcasts, and I always have. So the next step was simple, to bring the New Home Buyers Guide over to the podcast world. The goal of all this is really simple to help change your home buying process, from exhausting to exciting. It's an evolution from the feeling of overwhelm to that sense when you know exactly what's coming at you and how to react to it.

All right, that's it. I am also very excited to get this show on the road. And we'll do that in Episode Two. That episode will ask the question, is it the right time for you to buy a home? I'll meet you over there, right now.