This episode of the New Construction Marketing Podcast is brought to you by my FREE TRAINING Effortless Follow Up: How to Convert Up to 80% More Sales.

Shawn Van Dyke is a construction business coach, an international keynote speaker, and author of two books - Profit First for Contractors and The Paperwork Punch List and Social Media Influencer. After twenty plus years of owning and operating multiple construction businesses, Shawn became a construction business coach. He now works with construction business owners, executives, and managers all over the world and shows them how to stop losing profits and wasting time.  Shawn helps contractors get their lives back. He is the founder of the Built to Build Academy which creates confident construction business owners through educational, training, and mentoring programs.

Shawn attributes a big part of his business growth to the growth of his Instagram-currently he has close to 12,000 followers. He thinks the key to growing your influence online is to be strategic about it. On today's episode of the New Construction Marketing Podcast Shawn shares his best practices to engage your ideal buyer profile and grow your authority.