This episode of the New Construction Marketing Podcast is brought to you by Beyond the Podcast. Beyond the Podcast is a membership site where we dive deeper into the topics of new home sales and marketing. Once a month we'll explore a new topic which would be presented either by me or one of the top trainers in the industry-many of whom you've already met on the Podcast. The goal is to keep you motivated and give you the tools to be a new home sales rock star while making it very affordable to invest in self education. I hope to see you on the inside!

Today is a solo episode where I dive into understanding several reasons of why new home sales people come up short on their goals. Some of the reasons include:

Setting goals but not creating an action plan of how to achieve them. (If you need help creating your goals and a marketing plan to go along with it-check out Episode #70) Setting unrealistic goals. If you can't imagine this being your reality-chances are you're not going to be able to achieve it. You're also more likely to quit if you're coming up very short on your results. You're not showing up like a person who achieves these goals. What got you here won't get you there. You can't act the same way you've been acting and expect different results-this means you'll need to step outside of your comfort zone. Playing victim to your circumstances and not taking responsibility for your results. For example relying on your builder for providing you with training if you're not sure what to do or how to do it. (For specific resources check out Beyond the Podcast) We'll discuss reason #5-the biggest reason in my opinion in Part 2 of this episode.

Happy 2020 and go get 'em tiger!