If you want to learn how to use tech to help you sell remotely then join me inside Preparing to Sell Remotely: All the Systems and Tech You Need to Sell From Your Home Office.

Wether it's selling from your home office or catering to your client who can't make it to your office-you need to know how to use the tech to help you sell.

In this workshop you'll learn:

-All the tech you need from scheduling your calls, to teleconferencing and video messaging and how to best use it.

I am all about free or least expensive option available-so you won't find any budget-breaking tools here.

TecHome Builder Summit is a semi-annual event that hosts hundreds of leaders from the nation’s biggest and most progressive homebuilders. Their purpose is to expand and refine their tech plays and identify the vendors they’ll need to succeed in a rapidly growing and fast-changing market. 2019 guests generated aggregate annual revenues of more than $65 billion and built more than 275,000 housing units. If you’d like to be a part of this event, check out https://techomebuildersummit.com/ for more information.