New Construction Marketing Academy is open for enrollment now through October 29th! Join my free master class-Effortless Follow Up: How to Consistently Sell More Homes to find out if the New Construction Marketing Academy is the right for you.

"Doing the right thing is something I feel we've got to do. When margins are shrinking, providing less service to our homebuyers is not one of the ways we're looking at when cutting costs."-Bill Bonenberger.

Bill believes that keys to success is to:

Get a mentor.

Be willing to learn and don't be afraid to ask questions.

Marketing is the most important thing in successful homebuilding.

Bill serves as a Chairman of the board of Williamson College of the Trades Each year approximately 100 students are offered admission to Williamson College of the Trades. All students attend on full scholarships that cover tuition, room, board, and textbooks. Admission is open to all qualifying young men, but special consideration is given to those who come from families of financial need and would otherwise not be able to further their education.