Spencer is the president of the Builder Funnel-marketing services agency for the modern builder. Spencer earned his Inbound Marketing, HubSpot, and HubSpot Partner Certifications in 2010, and has been practicing and teaching inbound marketing to businesses ever since.  Spencer has also obtained the Inbound Sales Certification. There's a lot of moving parts when it comes to marketing, and Spencer specializes in strategy and lead generation.

Personally, you can find Spencer at Chipotle three times a week where their team knows him by name.  In the summers, you'll find him outside playing doubles volleyball or hiking the Colorado mountains. In the winter, he's at the gym lifting and off season training for volleyball.

Spencer is also an avid reader and lifetime learner.  He read 50 business, marketing, self-help, and real estate books in 2015.  This has now become an annual event aiming for 35-50 books each year.

Favorite Book

How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie


Want more Spencer? Tune it to Builder Funnel Radio to learn more.