Saksham Sharda is a Creative Director at and we're talking strategies to get your content seen by your ideal customer.

Consistent content creation is essential. Your content needs to create desire for your product/service while simultaneously overcoming customer objections. But no matter how great your content is, there is no point in wasting time to create it, if it doesn't get consumed by your ideal customer. So, how do you get it in front of your buyers and get them to engage with it? You need to make it fun, it needs to be personalized and interactive. helps you do just that. Interactive Content Adds Real Value:

It builds trust by answering your customer's most pressing questions early on in the buying cycle. Buyers who don’t convert the first time will use interactive content. It forms the optimal step in the buyer journey between the first visit and the eventual buy. It is inherently viral. Due to the personalized nature of the responses, one is more attuned to sharing results. More people are searching for “How much does X cost” or “What is my risk of getting a X disease”. Interactive content like quizzes and calculators provides the best answers to these questions so rise to the top of search results. Highly interactive quizzes and calculators provide instant gratification and hence visitors are more likely to share their contact information. Conversion rates from interactive content are nearly 30% higher than your run-of-the-mill landing pages because users benefit from the personalized results page. Interactive content helps you find out much more about your audience beyond name and email. You can use this information to categorize them into specific segments including territory, industry, budget, outcome/result etc. Interactive content-based segmentation along with our powerful integrations helps you assign each segment to specific sales people and to specific lists, which allow for more personalized and targeted sales followups.

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