Today I am chatting with David Scheppler with Apex Chat about....well-chat! We all know that 99% of consumers begin their home search online and it often takes place on a Friday night between the hours of midnight and 3 am. If your organization offers online chat-is someone available at 3 am to answer your customer's inquiries?

Because there is nothing worse than initiating a chat, but they just leave you hanging.... That's why Apex Chat offers both chat bots as well as human operators who are ready to respond to your prospects' inquiries and to set up the next appropriate steps with them.

The best part is-it won't cost you an arm and a leg! In fact there are no monthly fees-they only charge you if they're able to pass a qualified lead on to you. Yeah-you heard that right! And right now you can get 50% off your initial set up fee when you use this link to get started.