Today's episode is brought to you by the Annual Lasso Round Up. Join me and 7 new home sales and marketing experts this Friday, December 10th at 12 EST for top new home sales tips for 2022. to register and visit for full show notes.

My guest today is Mickie Kennedy who is the Founder of eReleases and is an expert at helping small businesses, authors, and startups to increase their visibility and credibility. 22 years ago, Mickie founded eReleases after realizing that small businesses desperately need a press release service they can afford. While working in PR. Mickie came face to face with customers that wanted to use press releases due to their effectiveness at bringing in business, but could not afford to pay the extremely high startup fees that most agencies charged. Mickie saw an opportunity to help — and eReleases was born. Mickie created eReleases to give small businesses access to the media and to a national newswire – all with a personal touch. eReleases has grown since then and even works with big names now, but the spirit of Mickie’s original intent has not changed. eReleases delivers personal service and exceptional value to every customer, with every press release, at every price point. Mickie lives in Baltimore County with his family and two feuding cats. He enjoys British science fiction and acknowledges an unhealthy addiction to diet soda. Mickie holds an MFA in Creative Writing with an emphasis in Poetry from George Mason University. He still writes poetry most Monday nights with a group of fellow misfits in Brunswick, Maryland.