With the rise of social media, content distribution, and endless learning channels, anyone on this earth can start posting and building a brand. There are no age restrictions on what you can and can't do anymore.

In this episode Ezrah Dormon, a teen living in Panama City, describes how he has become a recognizable household name as professional tattoo artist, and how he is able to balance being a teenager while focusing on his personal brand. He is a multi-talented artist, and has even given a Ted Talk. Tune in to learn why age doesn't matter anymore in the digital world, and how he's been able to garner success at such a young age with respect to his craft.

Episode Timeline:

3:41 What Ezrah's known for
4:43 A Tattoo entrepreneur
5:28 Why tattoos?
7:20 It's not about your age it's about the work
8:51 First tattoo he ever gave
9:49 School?
11:23 Giving friends tattoos
11:54 Law restrictions?
12:48 Art and board games
14:58 Supportive parents
15:30 Giving a Ted Talk
17:46 Collab with Yes Theory
20:44 Going viral
22:32 Rapid Sentence Completion Round


Ezrah Dormon



New Age Influencers:
