#174 Today's guest is Dr. Emily Anhalt— a psychologist, emotional fitness consultant, and the CoFounder and Chief Clinical Officer of Coa, the gym for mental health. For the past thirteen years, Dr. Anhalt has been working clinically with executives, founders, and tech employees, and has conducted extensive research with prominent psychologists and entrepreneurs about how leaders can improve their emotional fitness. We discuss how she started specializing in emotional fitness, the seven traits of emotional fitness that can help you succeed, key ways you can start to build your emotional fitness including becoming more mindful and self-aware, what emotional push-ups are and examples you can try yourself, why people often prioritize their physical health over mental health, the dangerous effects of having low emotional fitness, how to differentiate emotional fitness from other similar psychology terms, the benefits of incorporating building your emotional fitness into your routine, predictions on future trends that will embrace emotional fitness, and important emotional skills all teens (and parents!) should know.

Dr. Anhalt's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dremilyanhalt/


Dr. Anhalt's Website

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