Leonard Tuccelli is Director of Sales and Marketing for metabolic balance®, a global company that provides a sophisticated nutritional program based on a client’s blood values and unique health profile.

During the interview, Len explains:

- How metabolic balance®, originated in Germany and entered the US in 2008.

- How he started as a client, became a Senior metabolic balance®, Certified Coach and directs the Sales and Marketing for the company here in the US.

- Why their largest participant group are woman between 42 – 70 who have battled losing weight, experienced yo-yo dieting and are looking for a more sensible solution to losing weight and keeping it off.

- How the metabolic balance®, program uses a client’s blood value and a health profile as a foundation of the program.

- What each one of the four phases of the program are and what program participants experience during each one?

- Why program participants lose weight initially and continue to do so throughout the program.

- How the program helps balance hormones, manage hunger and eliminate cravings.

- What the two biggest concerns are about the program and how being on the program quickly makes them go away.

- How your personal coach helps you throughout your weight loss journey.

- What makes the metabolic balance®, Program different from all the other diet and nutrition programs.

If you’re interested in learning more about the metabolic balance®, Program or finding a coach, call us at: 727-851-0071, or visit our web site http://metabolic-balance.us/.

If you are a health practitioner who wants information about adding metabolic balance®, to your practice, go to: http://metabolic-balance.us/Become-a-Coach

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