Traditional disability employment models have been focused on sheltered workshops and sub-minimum wage jobs. What does true integration look like in the modern workplace, and how can we get there? Today we're talking to Ben Schatzel, the founder of Stannum Core Solutions, an agency dedicated to creating competitive, integrated employment outcomes for neurodivergent workers, about just that.
Show notes and transcript:
Neurodiverging Coaching is an online, sliding scale coaching practice owned by autistic neurodiversity coach Danielle Sullivan.
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Our organization’s larger mission is to help neurodivergent folks find the resources we need to live better lives as individuals, and to further disability awareness and social justice efforts to improve all of our lives as part of the larger world community. We support strength-based, evidence-based assessment and skill-building, social and disability justice paradigms, and a commitment to taking care of one another.
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Traditional disability employment models have been focused on sheltered workshops and sub-minimum wage jobs. What does true integration look like in the modern workplace, and how can we get there? Today we're talking to Ben Schatzel, the founder of Stannum Core Solutions, an agency dedicated to creating competitive, integrated employment outcomes for neurodivergent workers, about just that.

Show notes and transcript:

Neurodiverging Coaching is an online, sliding scale coaching practice owned by autistic neurodiversity coach Danielle Sullivan.

Learn more at, or join us on Patreon for even more goodies!

Our organization’s larger mission is to help neurodivergent folks find the resources we need to live better lives as individuals, and to further disability awareness and social justice efforts to improve all of our lives as part of the larger world community. We support strength-based, evidence-based assessment and skill-building, social and disability justice paradigms, and a commitment to taking care of one another.

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