Despite its frequent buzzword reference today, “person-centered care” is rooted firmly and deeply in hospice care. 

The future of healthcare lies in replicating what hospice care is really about -- serving the whole person by an interdisciplinary team who believes in care without barriers.

In this episode of Netsmart CareThreads, Samira Beckwith, President and CEO at Hope Healthcare , unpacks what it means and why it’s so important for hospices to go back to the future. 

Join us as we discuss:

How hospice can serve as a beacon for other areas of medicine
Why we must get away from saying “end-of-life-care”
What it means to go back to the future with hospice care
Why Americans think death is optional
The effect of value-based payment models

This discussion was taken from our show Netsmart CareThreads. If you want to hear more episodes like this one, check us out on Apple Podcasts

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