Rachelle Casto, VP of Administration, McLeod Addictive Disease Center

Melanie Conforti, VP of Medication Assisted Treatment, McLeod Addictive Disease Center

Christy Majors, VP of Finance, McLeod Addictive Disease Center

Mary Ward, President, McLeod Addictive Disease Center

Tricia Zerger, Director of Child & Family and Developmental Services, Netsmart

In this episode, representatives from the McLeod Addictive Disease Center and Netsmart discuss where addiction treatment is now and how the use of technology can take treatment to a whole new level. While the COVID pandemic created challenges for treatment, it also provided many opportunities, creating many roads to recovery.

The McLeod Addictive Disease Center has been operative throughout many areas of North Carolina since 1969, caring for up to 2800 individuals at any given time. The pandemic drastically changed the ways in which treatments were viewed. Thankfully, being deemed an essential location, the treatment centers did not close, however, Telehealth and other online treatments got created for caregivers and patients alike. Finding that many patients enjoyed and preferred Telehealth as opposed to in-person treatment, the focus became more centered on asking the patients how they themselves think they can receive the best care. During a time of fear and uncertainty, this organization embraced opportunity because of the pandemic, leading to more innovation ideas and greater success of everyone involved.

Join us to hear their experiences as we discuss:

Factors that have and continue to contribute to the addiction crisis in our societyThe challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemicThe advantages of technology in Telehealth and other online services and how they related to overall patient satisfaction.How the pandemic shaped their organization, bringing about great new ideas and successWhat the future looks like without having strict regulations

If you want to hear more episodes like this one, look for the Netsmart CareThreads podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify or anywhere you stream your podcasts.