Every winter, thousands of humpback whales travel to the warm, shallow waters of Hawai‘i to mate, give birth, and raise their young. Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary protects these whales and their habitat. From November through April, visitors to the sanctuary can see whales from shore and at sea.

TMO had this recording on his phone from March 2021 from a trip with Pacific Whale Foundation. A whale viewing session is life changing and gives even more meaning and purpose to the climate, nature and carbon work of basinDAO. _______________________________________

This podcast is a collaboration. Without you the listener, it would not be possible. We welcome your participation and would love to feature you on the show:

Listener Hotline: 970-300-1994 (call or text) or message TMO on twitter @tmoindustries _______________________________________

This is show is brought to you by TMO and basinDAO. basin is global DAO reducing/removing carbon, restoring/protecting nature and improving human health/wealth.

We ask ourselves everyday:

"What Good Shall I Do This Day?"

What the F are you doing?