30 teams… 7 DAOs… 100+ humans all came together to create #web3 #ReFi #technology at the service of #nature

In Winter 2022 Sovereign Nature Initiative asked hackathon teams to: Develop ideas that enable representation of non-human life, establish governance models and empower ecosystems to act in their own interests to produce and capture value in their own right. They invited us to define "value" broadly and consider in addition to practical ecological value other qualities such as beauty and interconnectedness.

This is basinDAO's submittal. The full video and deck can be found here:

Youtube: https://youtu.be/Ok52ILF85qg

Deck: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vRSxMUO0-DbRN6PeIpjKWAPrpHIie-jzEho9yPpXoAeKfJEoPhbyvU065LnKNs1IFasJ-qF5kQVttjE/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000 _______________________________________

This podcast is a collaboration.

Without you the listener, it would not be possible. We welcome your participation and would love to feature you on the show:

Listener Hotline: 970-300-1994 (call or text) or message TMO on twitter @tmoindustries _______________________________________

This is show is brought to you by TMO and basinDAO. basin is global DAO reducing/removing carbon, restoring/protecting nature and improving human health/wealth.

We ask ourselves everyday: "What Good Shall I Do This Day?"

What the F are you doing?