We're playing a fun game on this episode as we celebrate the holidays! Tune in for a laugh and maybe a little learning.

Aside from the holiday fun, we have NerdBrand's very own Coral Abood on the show to discuss brand imagery.

Brand imagery is much more than headshots. It is the tangible, or intangible, elements that consumers associate with a brand. It could be YOU, a package, an experience, a feeling, a taste, and so on. Brand imagery is visual, auditory, olfactory, or tactile. Anything that makes up the "feel" of your company.

Customers' perceptions of your brand come from their interactions with it. Communicate your brand's value with strategic photography and visual experiences. Original and creative content always markets better.

Coral specializes in concept development and growing brands using strategic, commercial imagery. These images are important to your content strategy for all sales & marketing efforts, press releases, websites, and social media, and advertising. 

Because everything is an ad.

Coral is also a very energetic personality that you'll enjoy keeping up with on a shoot and collaborating with.