On this episode of the NerdBrand podcast , we’re talking about how to approach your next website design. Every business sees a great website as a need. And it is, no argument. Your website is often one of your most prominent ads.

But is really fair to say, "I just need a website"?

Is the greatness of a website determined by the quality of its content or is it the outcome of the website design itself?

A few questions to ask yourself as you enter a new web design project...

First, what do you want people to do when they arrive? Where do you want them to go?

Second, think about structure. What’s in the primary navigation? Well, it should be important, of course. And it's not for every important thing. In this case, more isn't better.

Also, you likely have different audiences coming to your site. How do you properly drive those different audiences down their individual paths to conversion?

Lastly, don't view your website as a narrow funnel. It's not as if every visitor enters your home page and drills down to where they'd like to go.

Shockingly, we still forget that the largest front door to our websites is the search engine.

Lots of your individual web pages, even important ones, aren't navigated to directly from your home page. They're reached directly from Google. So each page needs to be an adequate experience that logically drives your visitor to the "next step."

As an example, our podcast page isn't linked on the home page, simply because very few people were navigating to it from the home page. The bulk of visitors were coming directly from Google or social. So, we were able to remove an item from our navigation, freeing up space for more important pages.

Fun Talk

What are some websites you’ve visited and hated the experience?

Jason will go first...


How many popups and agreements do I need to click to get them out of the way of what I’m trying to read? Stop pissing off your users!
