Covid has disrupted every aspect of our society, but its impact on education may be its most long lasting. Pierce County is blessed with a wealth of higher ed institutions: UWT, Evergreen Tacoma, University of...

Covid has disrupted every aspect of our society, but its impact on education may be its most long lasting. Pierce County is blessed with a wealth of higher ed institutions: UWT, Evergreen Tacoma, University of Puget Sound, PLU, TCC, Pierce College, and Bates & Clover Park Technical Colleges are all of such quality that we take them for granted.

As we emerge from the pandemic, school leaders across the world are re-imagining the work at their institutions. At the same time on the student end, after rejecting online instruction at full tuition rates, many 2020 high school grads took a gap year. They will hopefully be returning to campuses later this year. It is going to be a very interesting fall.

We invited two college presidents, Allan Belton from PLU** and Ivan Harell from Tacoma Community College, onto the show to talk about all these issues and others facing their schools, faculty, and students.

Cast of Characters

Ivan Harrell – Twitter
Allan Belton – Twitter

**PLU is a sponsor of Channel 253

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