On this episode, Machael David tells the his compelling story of how he made his way from Nigeria to Italy to New York to Tacoma. The story begins with a four year boy and a...

On this episode, Machael David tells the his compelling story of how he made his way from Nigeria to Italy to New York to Tacoma. The story begins with a four year boy and a soccer ball. Machael began by comparing his home to Compton and the necessity to ‘get out.’

Machael began playing for club teams when he was very young. Soccer was a way to get off the streets and have a purpose. As time moved forward, he went to Italy to play. When his documents ran out and he no longer had a team, he had a choice to make: go home a ‘failure’ or find a different way. Machael found a “different” way. He came to America: first New York, then the shock of the PNW.

“Soccer is My Love Language”

Machael began playing soccer for GHHS and Washington Premier. He was amazing. Pros wanted him. Colleges wanted him. He was coveted. Machael, again, had a choice to make. If he went pro, college would never be an option. If he went to school, he’d have to wait to go pro. His academics weren’t good enough for University of Washington. They backed out, as did many others.

A fateful game had Machael playing in California when a scout saw him play. The scout fell in love and urged Machael to work hard. Ending high school in 2 1/2 years with a 4.0, he received a full scholarship to UCSB. Junior year, Machael broke his leg. He had to heal. Senior year, he was back. Again, Machael broke his leg.

His injuries scared off many teams. He was drafted to Colorado Rapids.  Shortly afterward, Machael’s nose began to bleed. He learned he had a medical condition that wouldn’t allow him to live in that elevation. Another obstacle, another challenge.

A Community Doesn’t Define Who You Are, the People Define the Community

Machael explains the name of his book, Every Mother’s Nightmare, the inspirational story of growing up in Nigeria and the roadmap to surviving adversity playing soccer on his own terms.

He and Nate also discussed the US’ recent failure to qualify for the 2018 World Cup. The US hasn’t missed qualifying since in 1986. How can we make the future of US Soccer brighter? Machael has thoughts:

Get rid of Pay-To-PlayGo find players.Develop them–it’s that simple.

The Five:

Why does everyone else hate Crossfire ?Best Player you ever play with or against?Why should we root for Nigeria in World Cup?Best Place for Nigerian Food in Washington?What advice do you have for the next US Coach?

Buy the Book:

Amazon, iTunes, Barnes and Noble or directly from Machael on Facebook




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