While we are all rightfully paying attention to the protests against police violence, the coronavirus continues to spread throughout the State of Washington and the nation. The fastest growing outbreak in Washington is in Yakima...

While we are all rightfully paying attention to the protests against police violence, the coronavirus continues to spread throughout the State of Washington and the nation. The fastest growing outbreak in Washington is in Yakima County, largely among agricultural workers. Yakima, like Tacoma, is a Democratic leaning city in a red county, and there has been conflict between local governments over the response. Meanwhile, agriculture workers have organized strikes to demand PPE and other protections. All the while the number of infections climbs countywide day by day. What is happening in Yakima is a microcosm of what’s happening across the nation, so we assembled a roundtable to discuss it all.

Note, we opened this episode with a host commentary on the protest and police riots in the United States.

Cast of Characters:

Soneya Lund – Yakima City Council, hates Twitter
Sara Shields – Member of the Yakama Nation
Greg Halling – Yakima Herald (subscribe to the newspaper FFS!)

The Socials

Soneya – on Insta (stick around for the blooper on this one)
Sara – @srskank
Greg – @ghalling

Coming Up

Next Nerd Farm Reads: Know My Name by Chanel Miller
How to Fix a Drug Scandal, Part II with Luke Ryan


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