I couldn’t bring myself to do a year in review episode. Besides, it is beyond cliche to complain about 2020 being hot trash. So instead, we decided to look ahead. On this episode we talk...

I couldn’t bring myself to do a year in review episode. Besides, it is beyond cliche to complain about 2020 being hot trash. So instead, we decided to look ahead.

On this episode we talk to fellow hosts on the Channel 253 Network about the stories they are following and looking forward to covering on their shows in 2021. In addition to the stories they intend to cover, each guest also gave a very specific prediction about 2021.

Note, this conversation was recorded 1/7, the day after the Capitol Coup, so it includes discussion of the events in the intro and segment one. If you don’t like hearing “I told you so, you might want to skip the intro.”


Cast of Characters

Evelyn Lopez – Host, Crossing Division
Steve Ketelsen – Host, Flounder B Team
Hope Teague-Bowling (pod spouse) – Host, Interchangeable White Ladies

Going Further 

Caste – Join us for #NerdFarmReads Bookclub, we record this month

The Socials

Evelyn on Twitter
Steve on Twitter
Hope on Twitter


The Nerd Farmer Podcast is available on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and Google Play and is brought to you by Libro FM and the OG Move to Tacoma

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