Where are most of us?  Have you struggled to integrate what you love doing, with what can bring you financial security in your life? Maybe you have reached a career crossroads or cannot decide what course or job will suit you best? It may be you feel unfulfilled in your life and you have an unsettled sense of purpose? Have you wondered what is the fundamental point of your existence?  Is everything just fine, but something perhaps does not feel quite right, in work or in your private life?  Maybe, you just intuitively, know there is something more?  

IKIGAI, the ancient Japanese personal awareness concept, helps you to identify your reason for being, your life purpose, by focusing on four main spheres in your life:

1. It helps you identify what you most love

2. Establish what you are best at

3. Helps you to understand what the world needs from you

4. Identifies what you can be rewarded for


Life planning with IKIGAI, helps you find the 'sweet spot' in the middle of these four spheres of your life, to help you find personal enlightenment and manifest the life you desire.    

"The smallest of changes, can make the most profound differences.”


Finding your IKIGAI will help you to live every moment with your true Purpose.  

This webinar is the first 2022 episode in the Cambridge Marketing College personal and professional development series http://marketingcollege.com/events

For more like this, and to journey with Neil on the 2022 Awareness and Abundance programme, visit http://neilwilkins.online