It's the end of our first pre-week before we get into the real work next week.

We discussed Habit 1, which is exploring how to remove the word SHOULD from our communication.

Habit 2 is to feel not just think, about what you want, as though you already have it.

Now, Habit 3 for today and the weekend, is remembering that "Everything Just Is".

In other words we give everything meaning, so we can change the meaning of anything. It’s called re-framing.

If I ask you to think of a car, what do you see in your mind's eye? A2B, a polluter, status symbol, traffic jams, passion, a home?

If I use the word Vaccination, which is polarising and highly emotive. Is the word a relief, a necessary evil, an invasion, or a cure? We will all interpret the word differently, according to our influences, beliefs, preferences and social conditioning. There's no right or wrong. It's just what it is because Everything Just Is.