Sometimes you can feel in a conversation like you can’t escape. Like you’ve got no way out. Even like you’re tied to a chair. It’s in moments such as these that we need someone to step in and alleviate our lack of verbiage. So consider Aaron Poole your linguistic knight in shining armor. Or, at […]

Sometimes you can feel in a conversation like you can’t escape. Like you’ve got no way out. Even like you’re tied to a chair. It’s in moments such as these that we need someone to step in and alleviate our lack of verbiage. So consider Aaron Poole your linguistic knight in shining armor. Or, at the very least, a dude with a decent pocket knife. So when those times arise that you’re feeling bound up and in need of a hand, call upon Aaron! Accept no substitutes! This word is one you can use! In conversation! When you’re trying to choose a way to make your bathroom wall graffiti a little more elegant! You can even use it on Twitter and Facebook! And the best part is: this word is free for you to use and share! It is guaranteed DRM-free.

We hope you will join Aaron as he uses the toothpick from the Swiss Army knife of language to dislodge the food fragment of ignorance from the dental work of knowledge!


Direct link for the feedreaders.

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Special thanks to PhantomV48 for the closing animation.

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