Need Coffee Dot Com: Word-a-Week Vocabulary Vlog artwork

Need Coffee Dot Com: Word-a-Week Vocabulary Vlog

30 episodes - English - Latest episode: almost 8 years ago - ★★★★★ - 6 ratings

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Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog Catch-Up #52 – #54

August 01, 2016 19:10

Well, Widge here. I manipulate Aaron’s Patreon to get a third season of Word-A-Week and things fall on me again. I suck. Did you hear the one about the three-foot king snake that came into my office? I’ll tell you later. Right now, it’s a triple feature of Aaron Fever at his verbalistic best. He’s […]

Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog #51: Fard

July 02, 2016 17:34

You thought Word-a-Week was gone for good. But since everything is trying to emulate Marvel these days, resurrection can come pretty easy. Or at least reasonably priced. Wordmonger Aaron Fever is back for a third series of one my favorite things ever. So once more: accept no substitutes! This word is one you can use! […]

Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog #50: Agraffe

August 24, 2013 17:50

Word-a-Week is dead. Long live Word-a-Week. Wordmeister Aaron Poole did it his way and he sends this feature off into the sunset in style. Granted, as you will see, he spent an entire month of Need Coffee video podcasting budget on this episode, so we’ll need to talk to him about that. But regardless. For […]

Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog #49: Penultimate

August 12, 2013 03:11

As Word-a-Week draws to a close, the hope is that the vocabulary receptacles in your mind have been stretched sufficiently to allow you to replenish your hopefully whetted appetite for new words…and to do this on your own. But if that’s not the case, start doing it now and avoid the rush. Seek out rarely […]

Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog #48: Apposite

July 28, 2013 03:20

The reason that wordsmiths like Aaron Poole can freestyle and not come off sounding like a maroon is because they have a good verbal foundation to work from. You have to learn the basics before you can start form improvised sentences at the drop of a hat. And this can come in handy when you’re […]

Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog #47: Opulent

July 14, 2013 11:41

Gene Wilder had a series–briefly–called Something Wilder. One of the most important quotes you will ever hear resulted from this show: “The problem with bad taste is that you can’t explain it to someone who has it.” So that’s why having bad taste in word choice must be self-diagnosed. Not even Wordmeister Aaron Poole can […]

Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog #46: Otiose

July 04, 2013 17:19

Not since Schoolhouse Rock has there been such rocking involving the English language. Such is the might of Aaron Poole. He is the only Wordsmith to have achieved such a level of knowledge that he is also referred to as Wordjones and in South America they refer to him as “Wordgutiérrez,” or sometimes “”Ese irlandés […]

Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog #45: Abderian

June 22, 2013 03:37

Language is power. Granted, power is also power. But in this case, for the sake of argument, language is power. And if you have a solid mastery of the language, you can harness that power and bend it to your will. Not in a ha-ha flying monkeys sort of way, but more in a pre-Parallax-silliness […]

Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog #44: Kaput

June 11, 2013 07:52

We’ve all had to try and make the best of a bad situation. And sometimes you have to take whatever kind of edge you can lay hands upon. In some cases, you might just need to be satisfied with the fact that you not only know how screwed you are but you can express it […]

Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog #43: Inextricable

June 01, 2013 15:18

Sometimes you can feel in a conversation like you can’t escape. Like you’ve got no way out. Even like you’re tied to a chair. It’s in moments such as these that we need someone to step in and alleviate our lack of verbiage. So consider Aaron Poole your linguistic knight in shining armor. Or, at […]

Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog #42: Fuddling

May 25, 2013 05:37

Words are like alcohol. Think of the words you use everyday as your regular, workaday ale or glass of wine. And there’s nothing wrong with that–it’s comforting, in fact. However, every once in a while, it’s time for something special: a vintage whiskey or a top shelf cocktail. Think of Aaron Poole as your bartender […]

Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog #41: Tenebrous

May 17, 2013 05:51

Are you in the dark when it comes to language? There’s no shame in that. However, rather than fumble for the proverbial light switch in such a situation, then wind up tripping over the proverbial Lego model of the Parthenon and bust your proverbial ass…instead we suggest to let Aaron Poole pop the glowstick of […]

Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog #40: Agastopia

May 09, 2013 15:08

There are those who say that the use of profanity is a clear sign of someone who has a lack of language skills. There are those who say that profanity is merely fun and, yes, sometimes therapeutic. Around here, we tend to think you can have the best of both worlds. It’s important to be […]

Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog #39: Facsimile

May 02, 2013 16:13

The Oxford English Dictionary will eventually become so large that it knocks the Earth out of its proper orbit. There’s no need to concern yourself–it can’t be stopped. What you can concern yourself with, however, is enjoying the language as best you can until the world ends. And because there are so many words out […]

Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog #38: Apodyopsis

April 25, 2013 08:55

The comic book villain Bullseye could take out someone from across the street using just a paper clip. Which is impressive, yes. But without words, how could I have conveyed that notion to you? Mime? Charades? An extremely long rebus? No. We need language. After all, scientists now speculate that the Neanderthal died out because […]

Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog #37: Defenestrate

April 18, 2013 03:07

Are you dragged down by workaday concerns and worries? Maybe you need to scale back and get some easy wins. Like having a “100 Words to Work Gracefully Into Conversation Before I Die” list, for example. Sure, you want some in there like “Autotonsorialist” (not as perverted as it sounds) or “Mallemaroking” (Hint: Rox has […]

Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog #36: Guttle

April 08, 2013 19:52

Mortgages. Medical bills. The upcoming zombie apocalypse. You have so much in your life to worry about. Who has time to seek out the frontiers of the English language? Well, just like in the good old days where explorers who had ego problems and a death wish decided to head to terra incognita while the […]

Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog #35: Scrouge

April 04, 2013 01:22

Words. There’s a lot of them. So many that it’s easy to get so flustered you can’t tell your homonym from your homo superior. But if you find yourself lost and in need of the linguistic equivalent of moss on the north side of a tree, then fear not: Aaron Poole is here. And he […]

Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog #34: Coquettish

March 27, 2013 09:06

Words. No one can consume just one. They’re like Lay’s Potato Chips. But sooner or later, we stick our hands into the potato chip bag of our minds and find nothing but crumbs. Verbal detritus. What knowledge can we snack on in moments like that? Consider Aaron Poole your miracle language caterer. He’s the crafty […]

Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog #33: Canard

March 20, 2013 16:55

Don’t be fooled by the fact that there aren’t a lot of synonyms for the terminology of “moving house.” And don’t wonder at the notion that a building isn’t been pushed around Ireland by one relatively skinny but wordsmithy individual. No. Don’t do those things. Because you’ll simply be distracting yourself from the real issue: […]

Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog #32: Privation

March 13, 2013 01:50

The beauty of the English language is it has a word for just about anything. In fact, if you think about it, the English language was the original app. But imagine, if you will, an app with a complete manual that spans over 21,000 pages. That might freak you out a bit. But don’t be […]

Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog #31: Hagridden

March 05, 2013 03:44

Were you wondering when the Thesaurus was going to make an appearance in the Jurassic Park series? Is the only IPA you know one with alcohol content? Do you think the OED is a Dreadstar character*? Fear not–you’ll find no mockery here. Only the videos of one man who has made it his life mission […]

Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog #30: Lachrymose

February 26, 2013 03:09

Stuck in a monosyllabic rut? Is every sentence that you spout possessing of a lentil-level of excitement? Feel like you need a vocabulary equivalent of some cayenne pepper to sprinkle on your day-to-day conversation? You have come to the right unmarked van, friends. Because we know a renegade Word Chef that’s peddling his wares without […]

Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog #29: Haver

February 19, 2013 01:39

You don’t have to be a serious poet in order to need some language help. You could be just a guy trying to come up with a dirty limerick. Or maybe you are in a bathroom stall etching a filthy haiku with a pocket knife. It doesn’t matter. We’ve all been there and there’s no […]

Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog #28: Zaftig

February 12, 2013 03:17

Sometimes the cat has your tongue. Sometimes it’s a bat. Sometimes, even, it’s a very angry hedgehog. But mostly, it’s a cat. Bored with lying around and coughing up hairballs, it has suddenly decided to mess with your ability to find the right word. But you shouldn’t fear. One man fears no word-hating cats. That […]

Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog #27: Jentacular

February 05, 2013 01:52

We’ve all been at a loss for words from time to time. And that’s especially frustrating since there’s a word for just about everything you encounter on a daily basis, no matter how mundane or seemingly insignificant. It’s at those moments when you should remember that there’s somebody out there who has your back. Your […]

Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog #26: Hirsute

January 28, 2013 17:24

I know, you’ve been using the words from Series 1 of Word-a-Week until they’re raw. Until the people around you have said, “Yes, yes, we get it: you are well-read and a card-carrying member of the intelligentsia already.” And you’ve been craving additional words like addicts crave the next episode of Downton Abbey. But know […]

Word-a-Week Season 2 is Happening

July 10, 2012 07:15

So here’s some excellent news. The criminally underviewed* series Word-a-Week by the Irish Ambassador to the Internet, Aaron Poole, was completed last year. Aaron brought you vocabulary words in a manner thitherto unseen. I freaking loved it. Was glad to get each episode so we could share them here. After a twenty-five BAFTA-nominated run of […]

Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog #25: Indolent

February 28, 2011 22:00 - 2.73 MB Video

Some people get depressed in the face of words. There are too many, they complain. Too many to have to contend with and remember. Aaron Poole understands your dilemma. Which is why he picks only the best, cage free, grain-fed words and provides them to you–free of charge. Take advantage of this incredible resource: Accept […]

Word-A-Week Vocabulary Vlog #24: Brobdingnagian

February 19, 2011 05:07 - 3.33 MB Video

Words are slippery creatures. They can get away from you when you least expect it. That’s why Aaron Poole recommends you keep a few in reserve for that time of emergency. Don’t just stand there with your face hanging out. Grab yourself a new word! Accept no substitutes! He has a word you can use! […]

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