Previous Episode: Grieving
Next Episode: Finding Balance

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It doesn't matter what obstacle, decision, or life goal you are facing. You have choices. It really boils down to just two choices. You either confront the circumstance or you  don't. Confronting means you are challenging, even opposing whatever person, or difficult situation that arises. 
You have the power to make that very personal decision for yourself. Even in the most challenging, struggling and heartbreaking moments that you face, YOU decide to take it head on or bury it and let it stay as is. I have learned in my own life, that when I take on my personal obstacles, decisions, and life goals that I'm trying to achieve, I feel more in control and OWN my choices.
When I don't confront my challenges, oppose someone that I need to, or deal with any difficult situation, I always feel helpless. It hasn't been an easy life journey to achieve a better balance of control for myself. Every part of my life that I have navigated through, has led me to WHO I am today.
LINKS! { David Hooper - author- Big Podcast - Grow Your Podcast Audience, Build Listener Loyalty & Get Everybody Talking About Your Show }[email protected] { Send me an email with any suggestions or comments!  📧 } { Check out my website for show notes & links! 👩🏻‍💻 } { Please leave me a recorded message! 🎤 }