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I just got back to our home on the River from a 21 day journey in Italy! 🇮🇹❤️Woody and I were invited to tag along with two couples, Joe & Becky, and Norm & Sharon. Joe speaks Italian and was actually born in the Calabria Region, which is where my Italian roots are too!
The bonus was that we would be spending 5 days in the Calabria Region, specifically Guardia, spending quality time with Joe's first cousins from both sides of his parents families or  la famiglia  which means the family, who live in the region!
Woody and I couldn't pass this once in a lifetime opportunity to travel with people who have been to the area before AND speak Italian.

https://www.getyourguide.com/magazine/2018/08/colosseum-facts/ ( info about the Colosseum )https://graylinerome.com/15-fascinating-facts-about-sistine-chapel/ ( info about the Sistine Chapel )https://www.walksofitaly.com/blog/art-culture/9-surprising-facts-trevi-fountain-rome ( info about the Trevi Fountain )https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Forum ( info about the Roman Forum )https://www.matricianella.it/ ( restaurant where we had our last evening authentic Roman cuisine ❤️ )https://www.hotelpalladiumpalace.com/en/ ( hotel where we stayed while in Rome )